

love warrior

I read a bumper sticker once, "The real revolution will be love." These manifestations are fighting that war for us all. They encourage us to find ourselves, love ourselves and heal ourselves so we can then serve the universe and all things at a higher level. 


soul family

What we aspire to be, where we come from and what our true mission is in this lifetime. Here I’m connecting with my soul's vision and how that differed from the American image of motherhood.



Produced in Key West, Florida while pregnant, having a love affair and exploring concepts of family, The American dream and approaching single motherhood.



These pieces are delving into ancient societies and the connection of tribal cultures with rituals, customs and their surroundings. It confronts the lack of spiritual connection present in our American way of life. We are deafened by cultural and spiritual vacancies, Inequality and gender roles, marriage and procreation, and lack of divine connection. I am building totems to connect past with present, to compare patriarchal societies with matriarchal ones, and to expose the value of the sacred feminine.



This body of work addresses our society's controversial views on energy, environment, culture and the future. 2014.



A body of work concerned with the societal stigma placed on those of us "diagnosed" with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The work exposes a brilliance of the minds capacity to be a creative agent, to juggle multiple ideas and be gifted with a sensitivity to the energies abundant around us. 2014.



Key west energy. 2013.